Weekly Report: Week 5
Church of the Resurrection, Intern’s Weekly Report
Week 5
May 29 – June 04 2005
37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25
I am delighted at the facility with which this internship is coming together and in the rhythm into which it seems to have settled. I enjoy the variety of activities the position presents – the opportunity to do bible study and exegesis preparatory to preaching, the opportunity to visit people, the opportunity to work through the day camp and cool school curricula and the opportunity to enjoy miscellaneous jobs such as cleaning the church, delivering flyers and helping out at the craft fair.
I have also encountered an experience I expect will trouble me throughout my ministry: visiting the sick and the shut in. Mr. Jones is a very pleasant man, but there is no camouflaging the essence of a nursing home. So many images and euphemisms leap to mind: dancing with the Reaper, God’s waiting room.
One the one hand, the home is neat and clean, the staff calm and pleasant; the air smells fresh and the surroundings are bright and cheerful. But there is no mistaking the undercurrent that is the place itself. I asked Mr. Jones what he spent his time on and his response was crushing.
“Nothing” he said.
I find talking to the elderly and the ill difficult, because I am sometimes unsure if the person is able to communicate or not. In Mr. Jones case, it quickly became clear that he is very much in possession of all of his faculties, but time has lost all meaning for him.
He taught me so much about the value of silence.
And yet, though I couldn’t take more than about 40 minutes at the home (a failing I need to focus on), I was pleased that when I asked him if I might be permitted to visit again, he said “Yes, I think that would be quite alright”.
A skill I clearly need to focus on s developing a facility of ministry and presence in difficult situations such as these: finding the right balance between good cheer and respectfulness, openness and enthusiasm, care and strength.
Somehow, that visit to Mr. Jones made everything undertaken thus far in the internship seem very, very easy.
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