Diary of a Mad Intern

Sunday, August 06, 2006

and we're done.......





Andrea Brosgall was Ministry Intern at the Church of the Resurrection from May 2006 to July 2006. During that time she preached four times, led worship, continued an “Out-to Lunch” ministry (gathering people at a local eatery after church) that she had begun here as a theological student, coordinated our Cool School (summer Sunday School which is to extend into August in her absence), picked up pastoral duties as those arose, assisted me with two funerals and a recommitment of marital vows on the occasion of a 50th Wedding Anniversary and, of course, participated in ongoing theological reflection and supervision. Her project was the coordinating a one week summer Day Camp programme for 60 children.

This was done observing the required 50 hours per week while she worked bi-vocationally a “secular” position full time job to pay her bills: quite a feat in and of itself.


Andrea performed all her tasks with enthusiasm and mostly at her own initiative. She continued to mature in her deep Christian commitment and love of the task of ministry. In preaching she is strong in personal story, the art of writing, humour, delivery and is growing in her expository work. She leads worship with an air of confidence and comfort. She juggled several sensitive pastoral relationships well – like a pro. Although Day Camp was a totally new experience for her, Andrea enlisted the help of a host of people with previous experience and managed to lead us through the “hot” week with a cool heart. In fact, she seemed without exception to be unflappable, confident that the people and the system set into motion would be up to the task – which it was. She is growing in her understanding of the complexity of parish life and the unique challenges of pastoral ministry. The parish also developed a warm heart for Andrea. During the Day Camp she grew in her love of children’s ministries.


Andrea needs master Anglican disciplines: Prayer Books, lectionary, liturgy, and structures. Exposure also to higher more disciplined forms of Anglicanism would better prepare her for clerical life. Such is her passion for ministry that she needs to develop better boundaries between pastoral relationships and personal friendship. One case remains unresolved because the necessary confrontation was more difficult to schedule than personal interaction. She was to have arranged substitutes through August in one aspect of her work for after her internship had finished, but chose to do the work herself for some weeks. Growth in recruiting, delegating, and letting go are needed


Few are as gifted with such a strong learning spirit as she, which made supervision a joy. She brought a refreshing eagerness to the learning task, grilling anyone in a position to teach with relevant questions. We seemed to work well together as a team. She taught me the need to better assess student’s needs early on. I would be pleased to work with her as student again and commend her on her path towards ordination.

The Rev. Duke Vipperman+

Incumbent, Church of the Resurrection

416-425-8383, 416-698-6097, duke.vipperman@sympatico.ca


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you did pretty well! :)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger AMackid said...

meh, i survived. the church survived.

its all good ;-)

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you made it through! =) What are your final thoughts after going through that experience?

At 4:41 AM, Blogger AMackid said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Amackid,

As a general policy, I feel it is unwise to let any "anonymous" poster have a negative voice. Flaming out without leaving an identity is an attempt to hurt while avoiding responsibility for one's ideas. This should not be encouraged. Besides it puts a wholly undeserved pall on your excellent cheery and honest set of blogs.

I note another comment after it was removed by the author. I recommend doing the same with that by "anonymous said".

The Rev. Dr. Duke Vipperman+

At 1:04 AM, Blogger AMackid said...

Thank you Duke. I didn't realize that there were two posts the other was actually a duplicate, I guess.

I know who the "anonymous" poster is, sadly. This is someone that was once quite close, but sadly is mentally ill. Occasionally she will deteriorate to the point where her illness drives her to do such unpleasant things. After many years of coping with her disorder, I am afraid our family is quite used to this sort of thing.

She is always in our prayers, and has our deepest sorrow for her condition.

Thank you for your thoughts, though. They are much appreciated.


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