Diary of a Mad Intern

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Matthew 18:2-4

2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

from the amazing brock.... oops, sorry, make that "the utterly amazing" brock

I read your latest entry on your discomfort in nursing homes. Someday I should introduce you to my 4 year old. To him they are Disneyland. I should give you a brief bit of background on Jack. Jack was born on September 18th, 2001 - the same day as his Great Grandmother Pearl's 90th birthday. This was the foundation for a bond beyond which none of us save for Jack and Pearl fully fathom. Jack loves to talk, to anyone about everything and anything he can think of to say. He never stops. One of his favourite things to do was to visit his Grandma Pearl at her place, a nearby nursing home. This is the perfect place for him. First there is the giant fish tank in the lobby as you come in, this holds his attention for a few minutes, but only a few. Why? THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE TO TALK TO! It is the perfect place as the people here typically fall into one of 2 categories, they are deaf and/or lonely. He can talk all he wants and they won't hear and grow tired or it or they eat up every word because they crave something different in their lives. Jack would go walker to walker, wheelchair to wheelchair and table to table chatting about everything. I'm sure even the Alzheimer stricken remember him. Pearl died late last fall. My wife began the usual explanation that 'Grandma Pearl is gone...' and Jack fell apart right away and was inconsolable for hours. Mostly because the Grandma he shared a birthday with was gone but I think partly because there was no more reason to go to Disneyland. He told me recently at night when he is in bed he has asked God to look after her for him. He has been back though, his Aunt still helps out with the Sunday services at the home and his other Grandma (Pearl's daughter) has taken him for visits around lunch time.

What's my point? I think I am just trying to say that you will get used to the visits to 'the sick and shut in' and will in time begin to look forward to them and not feel the need to exit after 20 minutes. You probably will lose track of time and hate to leave and even miss it when you can't be there. If you need a guide, I'll loan you Jack for a few hours, you supply the ear plugs.




At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isaiah 11:6

The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger AMackid said...

that isaiah passage makes me very nervous about meeting your boy ;)

i'm afraid he'll be like his dad.


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