Diary of a Mad Intern

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

weekly report: week 8 - 9

Church of the Resurrection, Intern’s Weekly Report

Week 8 - 9 June 17 to June 30

(As last week was the “mid term break”, not much report worthy transpired, so I am combining several key learnings that occurred over the last two weeks into this report)

Several key learnings that tie directly into my stated goals have abruptly become evident as I reflect on the events of my internship thus far. These realizations have come to me as a direct result of feedback from members of the congregation. They are:

a) I get things DONE. While I am not the “brightest light on the runway” and haven't had an original idea since 1989, I can implement the ideas of others to a successful conclusion. Tell me to "get something done", and you can consider it done. I believe Duke has noticed this to some degree, as I have the sense that he has begun to capitalize on it to a limited extent. It has fostered a tremendous sense of teamwork in me between the congregation and I: they come up with great ideas, I make them happen.

b) I can help foster friendships and connections between other people. I can facilitate introductions, engage the parties in interesting conversation then gracefully withdraw, only to return in a few days to both parties to help foster and support the connection between them.

c) I can make people feel connected to a broader community - I can make them feel valued and included, needed and accepted, to the benefit of the greater whole. No matter what the personality type, I seem to be able to find a niche in any community where they will fit, feel valued and be a positive contributor to the whole.

d) I can lead a congregation or a small group of people in worship, study, and fellowship.

e) I am as comfortable ministering to an elderly person in a nursing home as I am ministering to a 12 year old girl.

f) I can encourage, disciple, train and empower another person to take on a role they never thought they could. I can foster in someone a sense of "hey I can do this", and the confidence to take on a leadership role of their own.

g) I am flexible and adaptable enough to take on a project whose content is unknown to me by applying administrative, logistical and project management principles.

h) I gain knowledge and skill by listening to those smarter and more experienced than I, and by actively seeking feedback, by listening to and honestly and critically evaluating even negative feedback in an effort to improve my skills and make my ministry more fruitful.

The specific circumstances under which each of theses realizations occurred can best be discussed at a supervisory meeting, I believe.


At 12:52 PM, Blogger Jerry Horne said...

wow , you can do lots of stuff. can you multi task too ?

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great!! And I agree that a great way to learn is to listen and ponder over what those with more experience have to say.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Brock said...

i) all of the above.


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