Diary of a Mad Intern

Thursday, July 06, 2006

it never ceases to amaze me through whom God chooses to speak...

jon is dying, and finally able to admit to it. yet as i told him of the cowboy and that i wanted to build something with him :in time", this was what he had to offer me. it is too beautiful not to share...

...At least he has Foxtell...although I'm a bit sceptical about the pink couch...And what's this "in time" crap???...Think about that one Annie for a minute...It's not just your time you know...what about his time....I will say something that I think everyone should be aware of...Religion, Politics, Work, Sport whatever are all well and good...but Love is the only engine of survival...I have seen love I have never seen a good politician or for that matter God..I can work anytime I wish and watch or play sport all day...but Love???...that only happens once in a great while...and the problem with the human ape is they are very quick to assign Love into a secondary place whilst spending most of their lives wishing they had more of it...as Mark Knoppfler asked in a song...When you gonna wake up and find your good man gone???...Annie as a friend I will advise you that if you wait too long, no matter how wonderful you are, no matter how well you do the oral thingy, a person can only wait so long...I'm convinced that when we as people meet somebody, we know right from that moment if we love them or not...there is no such thing as like...you like a car or a coffee...you love another heart...and if you feel that you and this Alex fellow have any chance of success then be sure that it will wilt and die on the vine if you make him and yourself wait while you decide if you wish to dive in or just waggle your toes in the shallow end...this is what the newscaster was doing...I'm dying Annie...I don't have time for games or indecision...I would question ones committment to a cause if one was waffling...you can find God here...you can become a constable here...this is a land of great opportunity...you miss it...why make your heart cry when it could be smiling...and why expect somebody else to wait while you decide...what about them???...get your ass on a plane Annie...worst case scenario you can stay with me...I do have three bedrooms...pee or get off the pot...Love You...Jonathan...


At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get out there. Listen to your friend...Obviously I'm too young to have fallen in love before, but I've seen family and friends who've fallen in love and I've observed enough and know enough to agree deeply with your friend Jon

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love needs no definition, it simply is, and when you find it, you'll know.

Don't run away, don't let the moment pass you by, take advantage of every opportunity, do what's meant to be....

I know this sounds cliche, but "Follow Your Heart."

At 4:12 PM, Blogger AMackid said...

if only, if only - but the problem with me (and i've done it again, i think) is that i have this bad habit of falling in love with smart, funny, kind, charming, wonderful men.

what i need to do is start falling in love with rich men! :)

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:)...You'll find someone someday.


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